NOTE: This was also cross posted in the )otakugeneration) LJ community.
Shownotes :: (show 041) :: (website)) :: (podcast feed)) :: (direct download)) :: (direct iTunes link))
With Jason Salce)!!!! ...recorded live on March 20th, 2006.
) This week we talked with an old skool fansubber, and AMV creator Jason Salce). We chatted about the old ways to fansub, some of the early days of Otakon, and even about the Patent office! Join us this week, as Robin has a surprise for us all! Plus, Aaron and gas express themselves together this week... lucky for you, we don't do a smell-cast!
Call Us!
::: Skype Voicemail ::: You can now leave us voicemail using Skype, at: otakugeneration) or call: (610) 628.3154)
::: K7 Voicemail ::: You can also leave us voicemail with a west coast phone number: (206) 984-2069
Mentioned Stuff and Link(s) (during the show)
- [**Dr. Tran!**]( ...not mentioned, by you go here anyways!!!!
- [**Anne Packrat**](
- [**Bleach Cosplayers**](
- [**Mishi's Podcast**]( ...the link didn't work at the time of this post
- [**LifeMeterComics**](
- [**Ikimashou Podcast**](
- [**StarFlix Canada**](
- [**Julian's website**](
Otaku News by Kyle
- [**Tokyo Anime Center**](
- [**Studio Ghibil Museum**](
- [**Simpsons renewed through 2008**](
- [**Futurama to return (or not?)**](
- [**Star Wars TV series**](
- [**Sucks to be you**](
- [**Apocalypse Dowell Podcast**]( / [**Brace for Impact**](
- [**The Overnightscape**](
Weekly Reviews by Aaron) and Dan)
- (anime) :: [**Angel Heart**](, [**(link 2)**](
- (anime) :: [**Black Cat**](, [**(link 2)**](
- (manga) :: [**Read or Die**](
Nickname ME! by Paul We finally got through some more nickname-me's. Keep them coming people, but please tell us something about yourself!!!
Gadget Reviews (with Tech Guru Todd))
- [**Slim Devices SqueezeBox News**](, [**(link 2)**](,
- [**Logitech V400 Laser Cordless Notebook Mouse**](
- [**A New Super Mario for Nintendo DS **](
- [**iTrip for Sony PSP**](
- [**Soniks Dog Toys**](
- [**Commodore Vic20 (retro computer of the week)**](
If you send us feedback, and you want us to nickname you, email us, at: [email protected])
With somewhere in the subject:
NOTE: If we've already nicknamed you, you can't be re-nicked... unless you plead... lots! ...and we mean LOTS!!! =D
For Podcast promos or MP3 Feedback, email us, at:
- [**[email protected]**](mailto:[email protected]))
With the exact subject:
- **MP3 PROMOTION** :: (for podcast promos)
- **MP3 FEEDBACK** :: (for audio feedback)
In the body of the message, put:
- **Your Name**
- **Your Podcast**
- **Your website**
- **Brief copy about your podcast for us to read**
Join us next week, for more fun and entertainment! There will be a new show on Wednesday, so "podcast-in" with us! Trust me, you know we'll make you [insert dirty thoughts here]! What's [insert same dirty thoughts here]? It's when you [insert same dirty thoughts again] and yell "SURPRISE!!!"... minus the monkeys... and the hot dogs... Ummm... yeah... anyhow, download us and give us a listen... and maybe we'll make you [insert new dirty thoughts here]... or not.
It's March!! We appreciate the votes and comments even if we don't read them on the show... umm.. right votes... and iTunes at any of the following places:,,,, and/or Oh and always check out! Word-of-mouth advertising is also appreaciated. Thanks for the support, and the people who have been voting for us! You roxxorz Paul's boxxorz! ...and the steering wheel in his pants... =D