cover of episode OtakuGeneration (Show #33) the Nickname Show!!!

OtakuGeneration (Show #33) the Nickname Show!!!

logo of podcast otakugeneration's Podcast

otakugeneration's Podcast

Shownotes Transcript


NOTE: This was also cross posted in the )otakugeneration) LJ community.

Shownotes :: (show 033) :: (website)) :: (podcast feed)) :: (direct download)) :: (direct iTunes link))

With the Otaku-G crew and more fan feedback, nicknames, and more, recorded live on January 23rd, 2006.

This week we were cursed AGAIN, and took time out again to answer just some of the FAN feedback, plus we introduced "nickname me" (thanks to Paul), and even tortured another one of Paul's female buddies, Brandi!!

Call Us!

::: Skype Voicemail ::: You can now leave us voicemail using Skype, at: otakugeneration) or call: (610) 628.3154)

::: K7 Voicemail ::: Now you can also leave us voicemail with a west coast phone number: (206) 984-4625

Mentioned Stuff and Link(s) (during the show)

- [**Bob Sapp (wiki)**](, [**(IMDB)**](

- [****](

- [**JED**](

- [**Ann Packrat's links**](, [**(link 2)**](, [**(link 3)**](

- [**Johnny2x's Blog**](

Weekly Reviews (part I) by Kyle

- (kyle's contest) :: **Kyle's Evangelion Giveaway (entry reads) ...OMG we have a winner! (listen to the cast to find out who!)**

Otaku News

- [**Pix(ar)elated**](

- [**Think of the googles**](

- [**iPod reform**](

- [**Kumi Koda – Second Session – (03/08/06)**](

- [**Gackt – Redemption (single) – (01/25/06)**](

- [**Tokyo Jihen – Adult – (01/25/06)**](

- [**Move – Grid – (01/25/06)**](


- [**The Overnightscape**](

- [**Mysterious Universe**](

- [**Anime World Order Podcast**](

Weekly Reviews (part II) by Dan

- (manga) :: [**Boogiepop Phantom**](, [**(link 2)**](

- (dan's contest) :: **Dan's T-Shirt "who loves OG" contest**
		Dan's is still having an OG contest, and giving away an OG T-shirt to the person who uses the OtakuGeneration name in the most artist and creative way visually. You have to capture your visual entry by pictures or movies, just submit your entries to our email address. This contest ends January 31st, 2006.

		DO NOT deface public property, or private property in the name of this contest.

		Listen to the show #27 for more details.

		Oh and it **ENDS** on January 31st, 2006!!! Get your entries in right away!!!

Gadget Reviews (with Tech Guru Todd)

- [**MacBook Pro**](

- [**Belkin CableFree USB Hub**](

- [**Blow Monkey**](

- [**Q-Box USB Treasure Chest**](

- [**Orbicule - Undercover Laptop Protection**](

- [**Frolick Snack Shotz Evil Dog Toy**](

- [**Digital Rectal Exam Simulator**](

- [**Tiger Telematics Files Bankruptcy**](

Things to do in Tokyo by Robin :: (Robin's Web Site Blog))

- [**10 Free things to do in Tokyo**](

- [**Tokyo Neighborhoods**](

- [**Just in Tokyo**](

- [**Free and Cheep things to do in Japan**](

For Podcast promos or MP3 Feedback, email us, at:

- [**[email protected]**](mailto:[email protected]))

With the exact subject:

- **MP3 PROMOTION** :: (for podcast promos)

- **MP3 FEEDBACK** :: (for audio feedback)

In the body of the message, put:

- **Your Name**

- **Your Podcast**

- **Your website**

- **Brief copy about your podcast for us to read**

Oh and our new thing! If you send us feedback, and you want us to nickname you, email us, at: [email protected])

With somewhere in the subject:


NOTE: If we've already nicknamed you, you can't be re-nicked... unless you plead... lots!

Join us next week, when we talk with Lisa Furukawa Ray), get to hear about her music and inspirations, and as usual"podcast-in" with us, every Wednesday!

It's January!! We would appreciate any votes at any of the following places:,,,, and/or Oh and always check out! Word-of-mouth advertising is also appreaciated. Thanks for the support, and the people who have been voting for us! You roxxorz Paul's boxxorz! ...and the steering wheel in his pants... =D