On this episode, Governor Thomas Ford is finally in town and he’s here to sort out the entire mess between the Mormons in Nauvoo and the anti-Mormons in Carthage. Meetings, letters, and affidavits are brought to Ford to inform him of the situation from both sides of the escalating conflict and he makes a judgement call: Joseph Smith, we’re going to arrest you and if you resist it means war. Ford details the facts he’s learned of the situation and his judgment of the events in a letter to Joseph Smith and Jo replies telling Governor Ford that he’s sadly misinformed by anti-Mormon propaganda. Jo tells the Mormons that the Governor isn’t on their side and that a war is imminent; he prepares by ordering the Nauvoo Legion to build temporary battle camps and dig defensive trenches around the city.
Warsaw Signal http://www.sidneyrigdon.com/dbroadhu/IL/sign184x.htm)
History of Illinois by Governor Thomas Ford https://archive.org/details/ahistoryillinoi00shiegoog/page/n330/mode/2up/search/nauvoo)
Nauvoo City Charter https://www.josephsmithpapers.org/paper-summary/act-to-incorporate-the-city-of-nauvoo-16-december-1840/5)
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