We kick off 'This Week in Pharmacy' with a news review starting with an interview from Pharmacy Times with Rina Shah, SVP of Walgreens about -- "Sustainable Care Models Must Expand Role of Pharmacist" Rina discussed what the future of sustainable care models in the pharmaceutical industry. We also note the article titled: "Community Pharmacists Can Impact Disparities in Care Delivery" Drug Topics interviews Jasmine Perry, PharmD, senior clinical pharmacist, professional engagement and quality at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina.
Access In some rural areas of the United States, pharmacists are the only health care providers that a community can access.
Our guest, Vincent Grippi is the Founder and CEO of Grippi Media. He brings over 16 years of experience helping companies leverage digital marketing to accelerate business growth, reach new customers and build brand equity. Vincent has designed and implemented digital marketing strategies for startups and Fortune 500 companies both agency-side and in-house. His work has been featured in AdWeek, Business Insider, Fierce Healthcare, Marketing Dive and more.