In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George discuss what idle talk is and how it can harm us and our relationship with God. As Catholics, we believe words have power: e.g. the Word became flesh, God's word, etc. Today's discussion reflects on James 1:26 that states, "If any think they are religious, and do not bridle their tongues but deceive their hearts, their religion is worthless." Gossip and idle talk are distinct. Gossip involves harming the reputation of another. Idle talk does not have an aim and can harm the speaker. Speech is generally one of the least controlled parts of our lives. It's easy to let our tongue go free and do harm.
Fr. Rob offers three questions to bring into one's evening examen that focuses on our speech:
Is what we said true?
What is our motive of what we say?
Are we speaking to someone for selfish reasons?
Is what I'm saying factual or am I qualified to speak about this?
The next time we go to speak, let's reflect on the content and the motives of our speak. We can turn our attention away from ourselves and more on the other and on higher goods.
Previous Episode
Listen to the previous episode) where. Fr. Rob, Fr. George, discussed the importance of creating a sacred space for prayer and contemplation. We know that each space has a certain vibe. The decorations in the space generate the vibe and put us in a specific mindset. The same is true for our prayer. To have a space dedicated to prayer that has sacred images puts us in the proper mindset. These images and spaces remind us of who we are and what we want to be: namely, saints. Fr. Rob and Fr. George assemble a list of possible things to include in your sacred space: 1) a crucifix, 2) blessed candles, 3) an image of Mary, and 4) some form of incense. These elements will create a space to help us pray and contemplate more fully.
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