Health and wellness are not merely about diet and exercise, but also about limiting our exposure to toxic chemicals.
For the past two decades, toxic chemicals have been added to everything from make-up, household cleaning supplies, clothing, pots, pans, building materials, mattresses, and even perfume. And scientific studies are now showing us that chemicals found in a wide array of household goods are more toxic than we thought.
Today's podcast is devoted to unveiling the most common toxic chemicals that could unknowingly be harming your health and how to avoid them.
We will also discuss chemical toxicants that can induce autoimmune disease and the potential for environmental substances to worsen an autoimmune condition.
Toxic Chemicals cited:
Perchloroethylene) (PERC)
Book cited:
Sick: A Memoir by Porochista Khakpour)
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Last but not least. Many people in the wellness world are turning to cannabidiol, a natural food supplement, commonly referred to as CBD Oil), for its potent anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects.
I believe it is the next step in health and wellness for people suffering from anxiety disorders, depression, addiction, migraines, arthritis and chronic pain. You can now purchase a safe and effective vegan Plant-based CBD Oil made from Hemp) from Ordinary Vegan. I hope it can help you.
If you have any questions about CBD oil from hemp, don't hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected] or visit my Frequently Asked Questions) page. Or listen to my Podcast #30) - Everything You Need To Know About CBD Oil.
Thanks so much for joining us today. I hope this podcast and all my podcasts help you live a long and healthy life.
Resources cited:
Environmental Working Group's Guide to Household Cleaners)
Environmental Working Group's Cosmetics Guide)