cover of episode S14E15 前女友成了好兄弟的女人 我也從表哥變成表弟

S14E15 前女友成了好兄弟的女人 我也從表哥變成表弟

logo of podcast 性愛誠引


Alpha S
小斌:就海王和海女孰轻孰重的问题,表达了对欺骗行为的否定,认为只要不欺骗,其他行为可以接受。 灰姑娘:认为对海王和海女的评价要具体情况具体分析,不能一概而论,只要不欺骗感情和金钱,其他行为可以接受。 贝儿:区分了欺骗和隐瞒,认为隐瞒在一定条件下是可以接受的,并认为善意的谎言也是一种隐瞒。 Alpha S:讲述了其前女友与好友交往,三人同居的经历,以及过程中发生的各种性行为,并对前女友的主动和开放表示惊讶。 小斌:对海王和海女的定义和特征进行了分析,并对Alpha S的故事进行了总结,认为Alpha S的前女友是海女。 灰姑娘:对Alpha S的故事进行了分析,并分享了类似的经历,认为长期相处容易产生感情。 贝儿:对Alpha S的故事进行了分析,并探讨了女生在类似情况下可能的心态,认为女生可能会为了报复或赌气而与其他男性发生关系。 Alpha S:讲述了与好友相识的经过,以及前女友主动追求的经历,并详细描述了与前女友和好友的性关系,以及三人同居的经历。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the main theme of the podcast episode?

The episode discusses the concept of 'sea queens' (female equivalents of 'sea kings' or male players) and shares a story about a woman who dated multiple men, including the host's friend and the host himself, leading to a complex living situation.

Why does the host mention the concept of 'sea queens'?

The host introduces the concept of 'sea queens' to highlight how women are increasingly taking on the role of hunters in relationships, challenging traditional gender roles.

What is the story shared by Alpha S in the episode?

Alpha S shares a story about his ex-girlfriend, who later became his best friend's girlfriend. They all lived together, and the ex-girlfriend continued to have a sexual relationship with both Alpha S and his best friend, leading to a complicated and unconventional living arrangement.

How does the host describe the ex-girlfriend's behavior?

The host describes the ex-girlfriend as very open and sexually aggressive, often initiating sexual encounters with both Alpha S and his best friend, even while living together.

What is the significance of the MTV room in the story?

The MTV room is where Alpha S and his ex-girlfriend had their first sexual encounter during high school. It was a popular spot for young couples to engage in intimate activities due to privacy and affordability.

How does the story end for Alpha S and his ex-girlfriend?

The story ends with the ex-girlfriend breaking up with Alpha S's best friend after engaging in a threesome with another man. Alpha S and his best friend continue to live together, reflecting on their past experiences.

What are the characteristics of a 'sea queen' as discussed in the episode?

A 'sea queen' is described as someone who is highly sexually active, often dating multiple people simultaneously, and is very open about her sexual desires. She is also skilled at managing her relationships and time.

What is the host's opinion on relationships with multiple partners?

The host expresses a more open-minded view, stating that as long as there is no deception, having multiple partners is acceptable. However, they emphasize that honesty is crucial in such relationships.

What is the role of the 'sea queen' in modern relationships according to the host?

The host suggests that the 'sea queen' represents a shift in gender dynamics, where women are taking more control in relationships and actively pursuing their desires, rather than being passive participants.

What advice does the host give to listeners about identifying 'sea queens' or 'sea kings'?

The host advises listeners to look for signs such as inconsistent communication, rapid physical advances, and a lack of commitment or introduction to friends as indicators of someone being a 'sea queen' or 'sea king.'

探討海王、海女的現象,以及現代愛情觀的轉變。節目中,主持人與來賓分享了各自對海王、海女的看法,並以 Alpha S 的故事為例,分析現代愛情關係的複雜性。
  • 海王、海女現象
  • 現代愛情觀的轉變
  • Alpha S 的故事

Shownotes Transcript

海王的故事相信大家都聽過很多 但海女卻是在本節目初登場 時代在改變,女生也轉變成狩獵者的角色 真可謂巾幗不讓鬚眉呀~~~

11/26(二)07:00 四海之內皆表親

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