On this episode of the Audience podcast, Matt is talking with Evo Terra from Podcast Pontifications. Evo is the author of Podcasting For Dummies and Expert Podcasting Practices for Dummies. He has also launched and run one of the first large podcast networks, and built a successful strategic podcast consultancy. From public speaking to podcasting, Evo has an amazing way with words and he shares a few of his pontifications and advice with us today.
Today, Matt and Evo talk about livestreaming, to social audio, to Evos’ advice about effective and efficient CTAs. He shares his knowledge and aptitude about the industry and his visions of what the future of podcasting holds for us.
If you have any questions about this episode or want to get some of the resources we mentioned, head over to Castos.com/podcast). And as always, if you’re enjoying the show please share it with someone who you think would enjoy it as well. It is your continued support that will help us continue to help others. Thank you so much! Never miss another show by subscribing at castos.com/subscribe).
Today you’ll learn about:
Dystopian ideas that keep Evo awake at night
Advertising in podcasting versus on YouTube
What if podcasting companies buy advertising platforms?
What are the unintended consequences for the industry?
Livestreaming podcast episodes
The eternal question: “How do I make my show better?”
Evo’s 90/10 Rule of Online Video
Growing your audience with content
Content creators who don’t consume other creators’ content
How small creators can rally so they won’t be ignored
Evo’s thoughts on social audio
Evo’s favorite CTAs and his CTA advice
Evo Terra Official Website: https://www.evoterra.com/)
Twitter: @evoterra)
Simpler Media Productions: https://podcastlaunch.pro/)
Podcast Pontifications: https://podcastpontifications.com/)
“Will The Race For Podcasting's Profits Drive Our Dystopia?”: https://podcastpontifications.com/episode/will-the-race-for-podcastings-profits-drive-our-dystopia)
Castos Academy: https://academy.castos.com/)
Castos, private podcast: https://academy.castos.com/private/)
Castos, website: Castos.com/)
Castos, YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/castos)
Clubhouse video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8729ZpWpmIw)