Stuart talks to journalist Jasmyn Morris, the host and producer of a limited series called Hitman. They discuss true crime as a genre, Jasmyn's background in reporting, and journalistic ethics. Also in this episode, Stuart curates a conversation between Jasmyn and Tiffani Horn, someone impacted by the events of Hitman.
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The process of covering a true crime story
The true story behind Hit Man
How collaboration helped create a better podcast
The controversy around Paladin Press
Freedom of Speech and its murky waters
The importance of talking to people
Being supportive and advocating for victims
How and why you should tell important stories about hard topics
Hit Home Media:
Jasmyn Morris’ LinkedIn:
Hit Man Podcast:
Castos Academy:
Castos, private podcast:
Castos, website:
Castos, YouTube:
Clubhouse video: