cover of episode Castos purchases the 3 Clips podcast

Castos purchases the 3 Clips podcast

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Shownotes Transcript

On this episode of the Audience podcast, we’re featuring a new podcast acquired by Castos: The 3 Clips podcast. Castos owner Craig Hewitt and 3 Clips host Jay Acunzo talk about the acquisition process along with a few tips on the fundamentals of podcasting.  They also share their thoughts on what makes a show great and how smaller shows can achieve that. 

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Today you’ll learn about:

What does “enough” look like?

The acquisition process 

What is Castos and what does Castos do?

What did Castos find appealing about 3 Clips

The creative process and the importance of great storytelling

The fundamentals of a good interview

How to craft a better narrative

A breakdown of some most well-regarded shows/hosts, and how they are so successful


3 Clips Podcast:

Castos Academy:

Castos, private podcast:

Castos, website:

Castos, YouTube:  

Clubhouse video: