Would you like to get 98% of your tax returns done by Xmas?
In this podcast Nicola shared how she has systemised the tax return information collection process to get 98% of her tax returns done by Xmas -meaning that she can use January to further grow her business instead of stressing out about tax returns.
Listen to this podcast to learn how you can do the same in your firm
When it comes to a running a successful accounting firm there are only 4 things that move the needle forward i.e pricing, positioning, process and people. In this episode we have focused on getting your positioning right. To know more about the other three pillars hear my other podcasts here.)
Once you get these 4 pillars sorted, you will have a successful accounting firm.
[1:37] Introduction to Nicola Sorell and her accounting journey[5:59] How many tax returns do you have to complete[6:12] Nicola's strategy to ensure she gets her tax returns done in time[8:10] When does Nicola first send out a request to her clients for information to prepare their tax retuns[9:04] What tax return software Nicolla uses to get such amazing results[9:51] How Nicola asks her clients for information to prepare their tax returns[11:50] How often Nicolla sends her clients a reminder for information[15:21] How Nicolla manages to motivate her employees to get the tax return done[16:46] How Nicola manages to juggle tax returns and other work[18:46] How Nicola trains her team to get tax returns done in time[20:11] What is their turn around time for tax retruns[20:39] What system is used to show that the information is recieved from the client or that the tax return has been completed[23:00] How to deal with a lot of tax returns information coming at the same time[24:42] Is email the only means of communication
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