Have you been trying to find some sort of harmony between your work life and your personal life? Do you feel overwhelmed trying to balance it all?
I’m sure a lot of us can agree that having a successful accounting career is already challenging but when you add the fact that we’d like to have a life outside of work as well, it can become very daunting.
In this episode I want to explore two approaches - work-life balance and work-life integration - in a way you may not have considered before.
In this episode, I discuss:
✅ Understanding Work-Life Balance
✅ Exploring Work-Life Integration
✅ Pros and Cons: Work-Life Balance vs. Work-Life Integration
✅ Becoming a Smarter Accountant: Strategies For Achieving Either Work-Life Balance Or Work-Life Integration
Tune in to The Smarter Accountant Podcast today and join the discussion about the pros and cons of work-life integration versus work-life balance.
You can read the full show notes HERE
You can take The Smarter Accountant 5-minute quiz HERE)