cover of episode 上了两个月幼儿园的妹妹英语到底知多少


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Maggie小妹妹两个月的语言进步 Yoyo一直催妹妹练电子琴,完成兴趣班作业,她一直在作业上画画,同时跟我这打岔,企图蒙混过关,不停地说:Close your eyes…(闭上眼睛,可能是想画个啥给我惊喜) 于是,Yoyo开始试着用英文跟她对话。 Yoyo: What would you want me to do? 你想要我干啥? (改主意了) Maggie: Hands on top! (手放在头顶) Yoyo:OK. Maggie: Let me stop.(停下来吧)This is ‘hands on top’ and this is ‘let me stop’. (边示范边说:这样是手放头顶,这样做是停下来别动) Yoyo: OK Maggie: Right(做得对) Yoyo: Did you check your form? (你在作业表里打勾了么?) Maggie: Yup (打了) Yoyo: Please come up and play the next songfor me? (你能过来弹下一首么?) Maggie: Wait, Wait (等会,等会) Yoyo: Why, I don’t want to wait. I keptwaiting for 2-3 minutes.(为嘛,我不想等了,都等2,3分钟了) Maggie: Wait.(等等…直接被无视) Yoyo: Could you be quick please? (能快点不?) Maggie: OK(好…相当敷衍) (反正人家也不来,Yoyo干脆转移话题) Yoyo: What’s your name?(你叫啥?) Maggie: Maggie Yoyo: How old are you?(你几岁) Maggie: I know my old…(我知道我几岁…这语法不太对) Yoyo: How old are you?(你几岁) Maggie: Wait, Wait (等会,等会……很不耐烦) Yoyo: Sorry to interrupt you, but How oldare you?(抱歉打扰了,但是你几岁?) Maggie: I am a teacher. Teacher said tothis yours?&@#!%$#%_^&(我是老师,老师说...没听懂老师啥指示)) Yoyo:You are a teacherright now, then am I a student?(你是老师,我是嘛?学生么?)Not a student,I’m a Mom.(我才不是学生,我是妈妈……这样感觉对话平等一点,要不被老师压了风头下去,哈哈哈) Maggie: No, this is you. I’m a teacher.This is you.(不不不,你就是你,我才是老师)…你是大姐姐,you are a big sister, OK?(祖宗,我谢谢你!) Yoyo: OK. Who are your best friends? (好吧!谁是你好朋友?) Maggie: Olivia, and Chloe H… Yoyo:Anyone else? (还有别人么?) Maggie: I know(我知道啊) Yoyo: Who go to skate with you? (和你滑冰的那谁呢?) Maggie: Emily and Christine. Yoyo: Yes, they’re also your best friends.(对,她们也是你好朋友)So, do you miss them?(想她们么?) Maggie: Yup. (是啊) Yoyo: What do you do at school today? (今天在学校干啥了?) Maggie: I do #¥!!@#@too more. (我光干!!@#@ too m了,没听懂) Yoyo: ok…what’s that? What’s too more? (好吧,到底光干啥了?) Maggie: This is too more…and this is toomore…(指着纸巾、窗帘,都太多了) Yoyo: Ok. Tissue is too more and curtains toomore as well, right? (啊,原来你是说纸巾和窗帘太多是吧……旁边东西碍着你啦!!)  Yoyo: Ok, what story did Ms. Hernandez read for you? (Hernandez老师今天给你读什么故事了?) Maggie: Not Ms. Hernandez…They just show me(a) book.(Hernandez老师没有,老师是给我书看的) Yoyo: oh, they just show you books and youread by yourself, right?(哦,你自己看的书,是么?) Maggie: Yup. (是啊) Yoyo: OK, thank you, Maggie. (好吧,谢谢Maggie) Yoyo: You should say ’you’re welcome’(你得说,不客气) Maggie: You’re welcome (不客气)