cover of episode The Morning Cruise Replay - Weighing The Choices

The Morning Cruise Replay - Weighing The Choices

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The Morning Cruise Replay

Shownotes Transcript

With ChosenCon 2024 coming to Orlando, Carmen and her mom are weighing the options when it comes to making the trip in the middle of football season and the weekend before Sharathon. 

There are a lot of choices at the movie theatre these days. One of those choices has piqued some interest from fans and those opposed to it. Bill offered up 4 tips when making the choice on a film and weighing it against your faith. 

Carmen is not happy with the executives at ESPN for the choice they made yesterday to let Sam Ponder go. 

If you made a choice to purchase a candle from Trader Joe's, you'll want to know about a recall. With all the candle choices out there, Bill was curious as to what they were and why there were so many. 

Some quick decisions by a 12-year-old and a Texas police officer led to the rescue of that child's mother who had a seizure and was trapped in her car submerged in a pond. 

Carmen recently heard about the astronauts that were only supposed to be at the ISS for 8 days but were currently trapped up there until folks back on Earth weigh their choices to get them. 

For a brief time after the gold medal Men's Basketball game between USA and France, McDonald's France was weighing the decision to eliminate a saucy choice as it shares a name with NBA star Stephen Curry. 

Boaty McBoatface was a choice on the Name Our Ship poll back in 2016. While it is hard to take a name like that seriously, the work done on this vessel has been pretty serious. 

Phil Wickham recently sat down with us and we were curious how he weighs the choices in his work/life balance. We also heard some fatherly advice from him. 

00:32 ChosenCon 2024 

03:34 Call to Mohair about ChosenCon

09:39 Chosen Phenomenon 

12:32 It Ends With Us and Movies 

17:46 Sam Ponder 

20:25 Trader Joe's candle recall 

24:53 Candle question 

27:46 Police rescue mom in pond 

31:08 ISS Astronauts trapped 

38:36 McD's France curry sauce ban 

41:05 Boaty McBoatface's serious research 

43:32 Phil WIckham's work/life balance 

46:58 Phil Wickham's fatherly advice 

49:33 Bill's BIG Word