cover of episode The Morning Cruise Replay - Give It Some Thought

The Morning Cruise Replay - Give It Some Thought

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The Morning Cruise Replay

Shownotes Transcript

There was a lot on our minds today on The Morning Cruise. Our hearts and minds are with those mourning the loss of Taylor Bristow who lost his life in the line of duty. His funeral is today and our thoughts and prayers are on that situation today. Speaking of "thoughts and prayers", as Christians we rely on that phrase quite a bit and for good reason. 

Carmen's thinking about her options for pre-workout and wanted to know your thoughts as well. 

Dave's wife thinks he needs to get rid of some of his t-shirts. He thinks otherwise. 

As we get closer, our minds are on Sharathon and the help we need for the running start. 

Have you given any thought to how to care for the doubters in your life? C.S. Lewis has and Bill shared an article from The Gospel Coalition that highlighted the ways in which he shows us how to care for doubters. 

When kids make mistakes we need to think about how we approach the situation. Dave shared a couple of stories that highlighted contrasting approaches. 

Have you given any thought to joining Paige Brown's Bible Study? It starts next week. 

Carmen's got a lot on her mind and her calendar. Thinking about the football schedule and the upcoming elections is adding to the stress. 

Who thought pumpkin spice trash bags would be a good idea? The folks at Hefty. That's who! 

00:32 Taylor Bristow's funeral today 

02:30 "Thoughts and Prayers" 

04:28 Carmen's pre-workout options? 

09:50 texts 

15:30 Dave's t-shirt problem 

19:15 texts 

21:02 Sharathon 

24:58 C.S. Lewis - caring for doubters 

29:03 Doing Right by Kid's Mistakes 

34:56 Paige Brown starts next week 

37:56 Calendar, football and elections 

43:12 Pumpkin Spice trashbags

45:50 Bill's BIG Word