When do you gather around the dinner table? We asked that question yesterday in a social media poll and Carmen gave us the results this morning.
When you gather around that table is there a Lazy Susan involved? And in the living room, is there a La-Z-Boy?
Gather around as Bill shares a couple of stories with deeper meaning.
2 of Dave's sons were in the path of Hurricane Beryl yesterday. In preparation for the storm, the 2 families gathered together to wait it out. Dave shared some of what happened to them.
For a year, several people were gathered together for a Mars simulation experiment and they emerged from their enclosure over the weekend.
If you or anyone you know is feeling some confusion about God's will, you may want to point them in the direction of an Instagram post that Carmen shared from her pastor. You may also want to highlight Matthew 7 and Ephesians 5 for them.
While we separated during the holiday weekend, a strange bug brought many of us together on staff to figure out what it was. It didn't take long for Bill to come up with the answer. But it did continue to "bug" Dave for awhile.
The family and friends of Cade and Sarah gathered together in late April to not only witness them tie the knot but to see a $20 bet made in a high school yearbook quote, payoff.
00:32 Recap of early dinner & poll
03:36 Family Dinner Times
08:30 Lazy Susan
11:43 La-Z-Boy
15:32 Rain and Trials
20:26 Prisoner - count the costs
22:06 Beryl and Dave's family
26:40 Year on Mars (Simulator) Done
30:46 3 Questions If Confused About God's Will
34:44 Matthew 7 and Ephesians 5
36:54 The Wheel Bug
41:37 Texts blowing up Dave's pocket
44:27 Senior Quote Pays Off With Wedding Bet
47:58 Our "Senior Quotes"
50:55 Bill's BIG Word