****In preparation for Sharathon, we sent Jayar to film a video that we will share later this week. We want to know if you can identify who is trying to portray!
Bill shared the story of a woman who wrote to John Piper. Can you identify with her story and Piper's response of "Gutsy Guilt"?
While walking with her daughter, a listener who recently called in, recognized Carmen and caught her attention.
While Dave was getting ready to play music at church, another member of the church introduced him to a family that listens to The Morning Cruise but in the afternoon.
Bill gave us a quiz on irregular plurals. How many can you identify?
Recognizing that we hadn't talked about it yet, Carmen and Dave quickly changed the subject to football and identified some of the highlights from the college and pro games.
We finished last week with a great response towards Sharathon and Carmen took the time to recognize those that helped us with our running start.
Last week, Haley shared the news that a video on her personal TikTok account got over 1 million views. Dave wanted to know if she identified any of the videos from The Morning Cruise that could hit that number.
Dave also wanted to recognize his granddaughter who turned 6 over the weekend.
Bill wanted to know if Carmen had identified what the Farmer's Almanac said about the upcoming winter .
We know that much of our listening area is comprised of farmland. If you are one of those listeners, can you identify with the man who is the subject of a show that Dave and his wife have enjoyed watching?
We identfied a few of the headlines from the weekend, which included Helene on a path for the Carolinas and the second assassination attempt on President Trump.
Before the show wrapped up, we wanted to identify the support of our More Than Music Mission Partners (MMMP's) as they are vital to our day-to-day operations.
00:32 Sharathon and Jayar's video
02:45 Gutsy Guilt
06:44 Carmen meets Josh, the pilot
10:18 Worldwide listening and Sharathon
14:21 Quiz - Irregular Plurals
17:33 Let's change the subject to football
18:44 Football update
24:35 Sharathon
27:47 Haley - 1 Million views follow up
31:32 Emmie turned 6
33:52 Farmer's Almanac and Winter
38:14 Farm Show and Weather
41:33 Headlines - Helene and 2nd Assassination Attempt
46:22 MMMP support and Sharathon