Over the last 20 years, a lot of people have become fond of T-Shirts For Turkeys. It happens next week and we've got a lot of opportunities for you to stop by and drop off a turkey in exchange for a JOY FM T-Shirt. No one is more ready for this annual event than Livia, who is responsible for organizing it across Florida.
Carmen has a fondness for cooler weather and she's not exactly excited for the weather next week.
Bill likes to see consumer reviews to see what products people have a fondness for when he is considering a purchase. Do you rely on consumer reviews when purchasing gifts for others?
In the early days of the internet, a voice synonymous with America Online, became familiar to many. That voice belonged to Elwood Edwards and many are remembering him fondly as news broke that he passed away earlier this week.
In discussing older email platforms, we learned that several of our listeners have a fondness for some of the older options out there.
Carmen is excited to join Amanda Tress and the FASTer Way To Fat Loss team at tomorrow's Tampa Leg Day.
Carmen also shared how some women were on Instagram Live discussing a fondness for a Jesus Lens without a Bible Lens. But, our question is how you can have that when all we know about Jesus comes from The Bible.
If you've got a fondness for monkeys, you may want to make a quick trip to South Carolina where approximately 40 of them are on the loose.
Or you might try one of the many monkey islands throughout our listening areas.
00:32 Monday Morning Turkey Stops
02:59 Brushing teeth at work
06:24 Livia is ready for T-Shirts For Turkeys
10:31 Weather Next Week
14:15 Consumer Reviews
20:47 Advice for Bill
23:45 Voice of AOL's "You've Got Mail" passed
28:22 AOL still around?
31:55 Old email platforms
34:16 FASTer Way Tampa Leg Day
36:20 Bible lens vs. Jesus Lens
44:57 Jesus In The Bible
48:22 Monkeys on the loose
52:19 Monkey Islands Everywhere
54:23 Bill's BIG Word