These tiny tip are designed to give you one small thing you can do to be a better creator in your life. Each tip is inspired by the Law of Creation. Creation includes what we see, say, feel, and do, which leads to who we become. If you want a deep dive into the law of creation, check out my free course at Also available on the Co Create app!
In my last episode we talked about how our connection to God is constant and unconditional. Even though our thoughts and actions can open or close our heart and mind, God is always there. Said another way, our thoughts and actions can turn us toward God or away from God, but once again, God does not ever leave us.
So what do you do when you find yourself totally closed off or turned away? What can you do to open back up again? I want to share with you one of the most important tools in my toolbox. I call it "flip the switch".
Living In Your True Identity by Brooke Snow.) My Book! Available on Amazon!
What is the Law of Creation?
Check out my free ebook The Law of Creation)
Access The Law of Creation and The Creation Course on my app, Co Create by Brooke Snow). Find all the details at The Co Create App gives you access to over 100+ Guided Meditations, new Yoga Classes and Inspirational Audio Courses to support you in living into your true identity as the creator of your life.
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