In this episode, hosts Brian Auten and Chad Gross interview Michael Jones of the Inspiring Philosophy YouTube channel. They discuss the problem of divine hiddenness - the idea that if God existed, he would make his existence clearly evident to everyone, yet there are many non-resistant nonbelievers who earnestly seek God but do not find convincing evidence of his existence. This is seen as evidence against God's existence.Michael provides an overview of the divine hiddenness argument, explaining key concepts like "non-resistant nonbelievers." He argues that the idea of truly non-resistant nonbelievers is questionable, since human psychology tends to defend our beliefs. Michael also discusses assumptions made about God's nature in the argument, and that God's goal may not be to convince everyone of basic theism but to create "cognitively robust theism" - loving God for the right reasons. They also touch on related issues like the difference between divine hiddenness and the problem of evil.Michael gives advice for those struggling with doubts from divine hiddenness - to focus on studying the evidence for Jesus' resurrection, living out the gospel message of selflessness, and recognizing our own sin and need for a savior. He recommends resources for further study like books by Paul Moser) and Tim Stratton.Further resources…Inspiring Philosophy YouTube Channel: Philosophy does God Hide? - Jones vs. Tyler Vela: “Why Does God Hide?” - appreciate your feedback.If you’re on TWITTER, you can follow Chad @TBapologetics.You can follow Brian @TheBrianAutenAnd of course, you can follow @Apologetics315If you have a question or comment for the podcast, record it and send it our way using or you can email us at [email protected]