cover of episode #261 - Evolution Expert: Aliens are Future Humans & UFOs are Time Machines | Mike Masters

#261 - Evolution Expert: Aliens are Future Humans & UFOs are Time Machines | Mike Masters

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Danny Jones
Mike Masters
Danny Jones: 我认为迈克·马斯特斯提出的理论,即不明飞行物是时间机器,外星人是未来的人类,是目前为止我听到的关于不明飞行物绑架和经历的最合理的解释。这个理论解释了目击者描述中外星人的类人特征,以及不明飞行物操纵时空的能力。 Mike Masters: 我对不明飞行物的兴趣始于童年时期,当时我听到父亲讲述目击不明飞行物的经历,并看到惠特利·斯特里伯的书《Communion》。这激发了我对人类进化和外星人的兴趣。我的研究表明,外星人可能与我们有进化上的联系,它们可能是我们未来的人类后代。许多目击者描述的外星人具有类人特征,这与人类进化长期趋势相符。此外,不明飞行物的飞行方式似乎与操纵时空和创造封闭式时间线曲线的功能相符。虽然目击者描述存在差异,但这并不否定外星人与人类的进化联系。埃德加·米切尔博士的研究表明,大多数目击者描述的外星人都是人类。在不明飞行物目击事件中,使用更中性的术语,如“访客”或“旅行者”,比“外星人”更合适。 Mike Masters: 我研究的证据表明,外星人可能是未来的人类。这些证据包括:外星人被普遍描述为类人型生物;不明飞行物的技术特征似乎与操纵时空和创造封闭式时间线曲线的功能相符;埃德加·米切尔博士的研究表明,大多数目击者描述的外星人都是人类;对不明飞行物目击事件的描述,在类人特征上具有惊人的一致性,这表明它们与人类有着进化上的联系;对不明飞行物目击者描述中手指数量的差异,可能与人类第五指萎缩有关;人类是地球上唯一习惯性两足行走的哺乳动物,这使得我们在地球上非常罕见;外星人被描述为两足行走生物的事实,暗示了它们与人类的进化联系;考虑到地球以外行星的质量,两足行走生物的出现可能性很低;人类进化过程中,脑容量的增加和面部尺寸的减小是一个持续了数百万年的趋势;人类进化过程中,脑容量的增加与饮食结构和工具使用的变化密切相关;人类进化过程中,肉食的摄入促进了脑容量的增加;人类进化过程中,工具的使用和火的应用促进了脑容量的增加和面部尺寸的减小;人类进化过程中,咀嚼肌的退化与脑容量的增加有关;近视眼可能是由于大脑过度生长挤压眼球造成的;如果外星人是时间旅行者,他们可能出于多种原因收集人类的基因材料,例如为了应对未来基因库的同质化或近亲繁殖问题,以及为了解决人类精子数量减少和女性生育困难等问题;如果外星人是时间旅行者,他们可能会干预人类可能导致地球毁灭的行为,例如阻止核战争。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Mike Masters propose that UFOs and aliens could be future humans?

Mike Masters suggests that UFOs and aliens could be future humans based on the consistent description of humanoid forms in abduction accounts. These beings exhibit traits indicative of the continuation of evolutionary trends, such as larger heads, larger eyes, smaller faces, and less hair, which align with projections of human evolution. The craft themselves also appear designed to manipulate space-time, consistent with time travel technology.

What is the significance of the humanoid form in alien abduction accounts?

The humanoid form is significant because it suggests a phylogenetic relationship with humans. Abductees consistently describe beings with bilateral symmetry, two gut openings, eyes, nose, mouth in the same location, and pentadactyly (five digits). These traits are indicative of the continuation of longstanding evolutionary trends on Earth, suggesting that these beings are part of the hominin clade and may represent the future of human evolution.

How does Mike Masters explain the technological continuity of UFOs?

Mike Masters explains that the form of UFOs, particularly their disc-shaped design, follows the function of manipulating space-time. Based on Einstein's theories of relativity and subsequent research, the rapid rotation of a disc-shaped craft could create closed time-like curves, allowing for backward time travel. This technological continuity suggests that UFOs are not just advanced craft but potentially time machines.

What evidence supports the idea that abductees are interacting with future humans?

Evidence includes the majority of abductees describing the beings as human-like, even when asked about non-human intelligence. Additionally, the beings often communicate messages about preserving the planet and avoiding nuclear destruction, which aligns with the idea that they are stakeholders in Earth's future. The morphological traits of these beings, such as larger heads and eyes, also match projections of human evolution.

Why do future humans seem to be interested in human reproduction?

Future humans may be interested in human reproduction to address issues such as genetic diversity and reproductive challenges. Abductees often report being subjected to genetic experiments, including the extraction of eggs and sperm. This could be an effort to diversify their gene pool, especially in the face of potential future bottlenecks or homogenization due to environmental or genetic factors.

What is the block universe theory, and how does it relate to time travel?

The block universe theory posits that all moments in time, from the Big Bang to the end of the universe, exist as a static, four-dimensional block. In this model, time travel involves moving between different points within this block without changing the past or future. This theory avoids paradoxes because all events are predetermined and interconnected, allowing for backward time travel without altering the timeline.

How does Mike Masters explain the lack of visible extraterrestrial traffic in space?

Mike Masters explains the lack of visible extraterrestrial traffic by suggesting that UFOs may be time machines that pop in and out of our four-dimensional frame of reference. Instead of traveling vast distances through space, these craft could be manipulating space-time to appear and disappear, which would explain why we don't see a continuous flow of extraterrestrial activity in space.

What is the significance of the electromagnetic anomalies associated with UFO sightings?

Electromagnetic anomalies are significant because they suggest that UFOs are manipulating space-time. These anomalies, such as disruptions to electronic devices or changes in the local magnetic field, are consistent with the idea that the craft are creating closed time-like curves or warping space-time. This further supports the theory that UFOs are advanced time machines rather than conventional spacecraft.

Why do some abductees describe the beings as childlike or overgrown fetuses?

Some abductees describe the beings as childlike or overgrown fetuses due to a phenomenon called pedomorphosis, where adult descendants retain juvenile characteristics of their ancestors. This is a known evolutionary trend in humans, and it aligns with descriptions of beings with larger heads, smaller faces, and other traits reminiscent of human infants or juveniles. This further supports the idea that these beings are future humans.

What is the cryptoterrestrial theory, and how does it relate to UFOs?

The cryptoterrestrial theory proposes that an advanced civilization may be sequestering themselves in Earth's environs, such as underwater bases, the far side of the moon, or other hidden locations. This theory suggests that UFOs could be the craft of these hidden civilizations, which may have evolved alongside or independently of humans. It offers an alternative explanation to the extraterrestrial or time travel hypotheses.

Shownotes Transcript

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Dr. Michael Masters is a professor of biological anthropology specialized in hominin evolutionary anatomy, archaeology & biomedicine. His most recent research examines the premise that UFOs and ‘Aliens’ could be our future-human descendants, returning to visit and study their own evolutionary past.

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Mike's YouTube channel: @MichaelPMasters)

Mike's books:



00:00 - Biological Anthropology

05:46 - Evidence aliens are future humans

18:17 - How humans will evolve into aliens

27:12 - Evolution of the human skull

40:29 - Aliens' fascination with human reproduction

49:30 - Abduction data points

01:01:24 - US Government

01:08:00 - Jesus Christ

01:22:49 - Block universe theory

01:29:10 - Interstellar travel

01:33:28 - Science behind UFO time travel

01:47:33 - Warped time

01:54:45 - Aliens vs. religious beings

01:57:57 - Has humanity ever been 'reset'?

02:00:55 - Advanced ancient species

02:07:30 - Bases on the moon

02:15:17 - Nuclear war

02:22:05 - Precognitive dreams

02:45:05 - Downloading knowledge

02:54:31 - Backwards vs. forward time travel

03:04:24 - Cryptoterrestrials

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