Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye, our longtime associate at the Maxwell Institute, died on April 23rd, 2024. We join with many in mourning her loss and celebrating her remarkable legacy. Melissa was a gifted speaker, warm, funny, faithful, and so smart. We wanted to re-release some of the Maxwell Institute interviews and lectures she delivered over the years.
In this 2019 interview hosted by Blair Hodges, Melissa talks about her book, Crossings, a bald Asian American Latter-day Saint woman scholar's ventures through life, death, cancer, and motherhood, not necessarily in that order. Crossings is my personal favorite of Melissa's many writings. As you'll hear in this interview, Melissa combined a scholar's understanding of how institutions work.
With the believer's experience of the trust and belonging in a Latter-day Saint ward, to me, this is what made Melissa's perspective on our religious life together so powerful. I hope you enjoy this interview with a consummate disciple-scholar, Melissa Inouye.