A lot of moms are hitting a phase where our kids get older and we're wondering what the next chapter looks like for us. If you know you can be more fulfilled with your life but don't know where to start, you'll get so many helpful tips from my guest, award-winning journalist Katherine Goldstein)
She's the founder of The Double Shift), a fellow at The Better Life Lab at New America), and a fierce advocate for moms, families, and gender equity.
Tune in to hear us discuss Katherine's popular HuffPost op-ed There's a Life Coach for Everything These Days)*, *and describe the questions to ask yourself before a big pivot. She also has fantastic advice about how to decide whether you need a life coach, career coach, or mayyyybe just a good therapist and community of friends.
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Our Cool Picks of the Week include a fabulous book just for moms and another Substack community that's especially helpful for women over 40, whether you have kids or not.
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