If you've ever hunted deer, enjoyed a fresh venison backstrap or have an appreciation for nature and its natural order, then CWD (Chronic Wasting Disease) should be a topic on your radar. That topic is certainly on the Wisconsin DNR's radar as the state is plagued by the largest concentration in the country of the always-fatal disease. To combat this, WDNR has started a five-year initiative called the Southwest Wisconsin CWD, Deer and Predator Study. It is the most comprehensive deer research project ever undertaken in Wisconsin to understand mortality rates and ensure the long-term health of the state’s deer herd, which has been affected since the early 2000s. Jimmy, Mark, Erik and even MC Ryan had the unique opportunity of joining special guest, Dan Storm, and other WDNR researchers in spring while they searched, chased, captured, tagged and released newborn fawns. Dan, Research Scientist and Wildlife Biologist for the WDNR, explains CWD in depth, what the DNR is doing to control the disease and how the public can join the efforts of wildlife agencies nationwide to do their part to ensure the health of our deer and maintain the lifestyle we all love for many generations to come.
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