Dr. Adams is Professor of Medical Anthropology. She graduated from the UC Berkeley/UCSF Program in Medical Anthropology in 1989. She taught at Princeton University from 1992 until 2000, where she received tenure as Associate Professor. After coming to UCSF in 2000, Dr. Adams ran the UCSF division of the joint (with UC Berkeley) graduate program in Medical Anthropology until 2012 and served as interim chair in 2012. She is currently vice-chair of the department. She teaches core theory courses on the history and development of medical anthropology, reproductive health and development studies, social studies of science, technology and medicine, and ethnographic field methods. She wrote a book called What’s making our children sick with Michelle Perro. Are toxic metals causing your fatigue and health issues? Find out by taking Wendy’s Heavy Metals Quiz at Metalsquiz.com)