Josh Macin joins the podcast to discuss the emotional and spiritual aspects of detoxing. Detoxing is not just about ridding your body of toxins, it also plays a role in releasing trauma, anxiety, and depression, and can help you become more in tune with your mind and intuition. Josh also goes into some lesser known aspects of detox like jaw alignment and the impact of stress on a successful detox.
On today’s podcast, you will learn:
Josh Macin's Bio: Josh Macin was the 2010 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu World Champion and the 2012 Pan-American champion. Suddenly, in October of 2013, he began to experience debilitating panic attacks, suicidal despair, and gut-wrenching anxiety.
After pharmaceutical drugs provided no relief, he found himself on a hero’s journey traveling to the corners of the earth experimenting with some of the worlds most powerful hallucinogens. When neither ayahuasca, float tanks, fasting, meditation, colon cleaning, nor yoga could provide him with relief he began to lose faith.
In a surreal sequence of events that transpired three years after beginning the journey, he found out about heavy metal poisoning and started a comprehensive detoxification protocol. Now, alive and well to tell the tale, Josh has created a company devoted to helping people overcome toxicity.
You can learn more about Josh and all of his extensive detox strategies at
Make sure to check out Josh's youtube channels packed full of awesome videos, and his incredible detox course!
Detox Dudes YouTube: Click here!) Macin Your Face YouTube: Click here!) Josh’s Detox Course: Click here!)
Are toxic metals causing your fatigue and health issues? Find out by taking Wendy’s Heavy Metals Quiz at