Today’s guest, Phyllis Curott, has been practicing witchcraft for over 40 years, is the author of one of our favorite decks, the Witches Wisdom tarot deck, and 6 other books on witchcraft. Today we discuss what people get wrong about witchcraft (hint, it’s not just about willpower and manifesting), divination as dialogue, how to find your path, the secret ingredient of intention setting, magic for folks who are overwhelmed by the state of the world, and what the tarot is ultimately teaching us. So glad to have you with us for this conversation, three cheers to intergenerational witchcraft community!
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Phyllis Curott is a spiritual pioneer. As one of America’s first public Witches, teachers and advocates, she has spent more than 40 years helping Witchcraft become the fastest growing spirituality in America and expanding its reach across the globe. Phyllis is an attorney whose groundbreaking cases secured the legal rights of Witches, including the right to form religious organizations, perform legally binding marriages, perform rituals in public places, have religious holidays off from work, retain custody of children, wear or display symbols of faith, and more. Phyllis is also an internationally best-selling author and the most widely published Witch/Wiccan priestess in the world. The creator of the acclaimed Witches’ Wisdom Tarot with artist Danielle Barlow, her YouTube series What is Wicca? has 3 million views, and her online course Awaken the Witch Within has helped countless seekers discover and deepen their practice of Witchcraft as the modern rebirth of Euro-Indigenous wisdom traditions.
Visit her website:
Find her on Instagram: @phylliscurott)
Buy her books!)
Join her Patreon.)
Get the Witches' Wisdom Tarot Deck.)
If you have trouble identifying your gifts, or knowing what to do with them, this is the right workshop for you!
In this 4-week workshop, we’ll cover how to identify, develop, and protect your gifts, and then how to offer them to the world — all through the lens of the Court of Pentacles in tarot!
You can buy this as a one off or, get yourself the gift that keeps on giving throughout the year, and become a member of our coven where you get workshops, monthly tarot studio classes, and lots of other goodies included in the cost of membership.
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Learn More About Your Host Amanda Yates Garcia, & Buy Her Book
To order Amanda's book, "Initiated: Memoir of a Witch" CLICK HERE.)
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Original MUSIC by Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs)
Mind Your Practice - Carolyn's podcast with arts consultant and author of Make Your Art No Matter What,) Beth Pickens) - is geared towards artists and writers looking for strategies and support to build their projects and practices (plus loving pep talks).
There’s even a club - “Homework Club)” - which offers creative people support and strategies for keeping their projects and practices a priority with monthly webinars, worksheets, live QnA’s, optional accountability pods, and ACTUAL HOMEWORK (that you'll never be graded on. Ever!)
You can visit for more details or listen wherever you stream Between the Worlds.
Get in touch with sponsorship inquiries for Between the Worlds at [email protected]).
Amanda Yates Garcia (host) & Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs (producer, composer). The BTW logo collage was created by Maria Minnis ( /) )) with text designed by Leah Hayes).
Learn More About Your Host Amanda Yates Garcia
To join Amanda's MYSTERY CULT on Substack click here.)
To order Amanda's book, "Initiated: Memoir of a Witch" CLICK HERE.)
To book an appointment with Amanda go to
Original MUSIC by Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs)
Are you an artist or writer looking for structure, support and community? Check out Carolyn's project - Homework Club )-with with arts consultant and author,) Beth Pickens:)
Homework Club) offers creative people strategies for keeping their projects and practices a priority with monthly webinars, worksheets, live QnA’s, accountability pods, and actual homework (that you'll never be graded on. Ever!).
Make 2024 a BIG PROJECT year - first month free with code: YourArt
Mind Your Practice) is our podcast.
You can visit for more details or listen wherever you stream Between the Worlds.
Get in touch with sponsorship inquiries for Between the Worlds at [email protected]).
Amanda Yates Garcia (host) & Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs (producer, composer). The BTW logo collage was created by Maria Minnis ( /) )) with text designed by Leah Hayes).