cover of episode Episode 289: CM Graduate Panel with Jono Kiser

Episode 289: CM Graduate Panel with Jono Kiser

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A Delectable Education Charlotte Mason Podcast

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Barron Miller
Karis Berge
Sophie Fiedler
Karis Berge:夏洛特·梅森教育让她有机会学习广泛的学科,并培养了与不同年龄段人群沟通的能力。这种教育方式让她在大学学习中受益匪浅,尤其是在荣誉学院的人文学科学习中,她发现这种教育方式与课堂讨论方式非常相似,这让她在学习中能够更深入地理解概念,并获得比仅仅追求高分更多的收获。她还提到,在家学习让她有机会与不同年龄段的人互动,这让她在与不同人群沟通方面更有优势。 她还谈到了在高中学习拉丁语的经历,她当时对拉丁语学习缺乏热情,现在她意识到拉丁语对于她目前学习的浪漫语言专业至关重要,她后悔当时没有认真学习拉丁语。 在谈到写作方面,她认为夏洛特·梅森教育并没有让她在写作方面留下任何缺陷,反而提升了她的批判性思维能力,让她能够更好地进行各种写作练习,并能够更好地表达自己的想法。 Barron Miller:夏洛特·梅森教育让他拥有广泛的知识基础,并培养了良好的时间管理能力。在家学习更高效,能够在不同科目之间快速切换,所有学习资料都随时可用。他认为这种教育方式让他在大学学习中更有优势,因为他拥有广泛的知识基础,能够在学习新知识时更容易上手。 他后悔在学习中忽略了艺术学习,并建议重视写作练习。他提到,在年轻时,他对写作缺乏热情,只是完成最低限度的要求,现在他意识到写作的重要性,并对写作充满热情。 在谈到科学学习方面,他认为夏洛特·梅森教育让他在科学学习中拥有广泛的知识基础,并能够根据兴趣深入学习特定领域。他提到,虽然他不喜欢物理,但他对物理的理解很好,并且他更喜欢生物和植物学。 在谈到写作方面,他认为通过大量的阅读和写作练习弥补了早期写作不足的缺陷,并认为阅读在个人发展中起着重要作用。 Sophie Fiedler:每天早上进行家庭聚会,一起进行图画学习、吟唱圣歌和研读圣经,让她受益匪浅,并珍视这段与家人共度的时光。夏洛特·梅森教育让她灵活地学习,找到最适合自己的学习方法,这让她在应对学习困难(如诵读障碍)时更有信心。 她认为夏洛特·梅森教育中较少的写作练习并没有影响她的写作能力,反而让她能够更好地进行各种写作练习,并能够更好地进行各种写作练习。她提到,她通过大量的写作练习,提高了自己的写作能力,并能够更好地表达自己的想法。 在谈到科学学习方面,她非常喜欢科学学习,夏洛特·梅森教育让她能够通过实验等方式学习科学,而不是仅仅依靠公式和数学题。她提到,她通过自己动手做实验,对科学知识有了更深入的理解。 她后悔年轻时没有重视自然笔记的记录,建议尽早开始并坚持记录。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What are the key features of the Beauty and Truth Math Guides?

The Beauty and Truth Math Guides provide scripted, conversational math lessons for grades 1 through 7, including suggested review problems, mental math, and exam questions. They align with Charlotte Mason's philosophy, covering arithmetic, geometry, and algebra. The guides aim to help students appreciate the beauty and truth of mathematics as a reflection of God's character and encourage them to explore and apply mathematical ideas beyond lessons.

What updates were introduced in the Beauty and Truth Math Guides for summer 2024?

The summer 2024 updates include a free FAQ video series, the release of Year 7 math guides, and the first teacher help video titled 'Upper Level Math in a Charlotte Mason Education.' The Year 7 Guides are the first to be written directly to students, encouraging greater ownership of their math education while the teacher transitions to a supporting role.

What do Charlotte Mason graduates value most about their homeschool education?

Graduates value the broad exposure to diverse subjects, the ability to interact with people of all ages, and the strong family routines like morning family gatherings. They appreciate the flexibility and efficiency of homeschooling, which allows for personalized learning and time management. Additionally, they highlight the importance of developing critical thinking and communication skills through literature and discussions.

How did Charlotte Mason education prepare graduates for standardized tests like the ACT?

Despite limited exposure to standardized testing, graduates found the ACT manageable. They noted that their education fostered critical thinking and adaptability, which helped them perform well. Some students, like Sophie, who is dyslexic, were able to secure accommodations, such as extended time and audio support, which made the experience less intimidating.

What challenges did Charlotte Mason graduates face transitioning to college?

Graduates found the transition to college smooth, particularly in humanities and discussion-based courses, which mirrored their homeschool experience. They felt well-prepared for critical thinking and writing, though some initially struggled with time management. The broad knowledge base from their education helped them adapt to various academic fields.

What role did community service play in the lives of Charlotte Mason graduates?

Community service was a significant part of their lives, with activities ranging from volunteering at church-run shelters and clothing drives to mentoring and teaching music lessons. These experiences helped them develop a sense of responsibility and a desire to give back to their communities.

What books do Charlotte Mason graduates recommend as essential reading?

Graduates recommend books like 'The Hiding Place' by Corrie ten Boom for its powerful true story of faith, 'Ourselves' by Charlotte Mason for personal development, and Shakespeare's 'Much Ado About Nothing' for its timeless themes. They also highlight 'The Elements of Style' by Strunk & White as a valuable resource for writing.

What advice do Charlotte Mason graduates have for younger homeschool students?

Graduates advise younger students to respect and trust their parents, embrace time management, and pursue their interests, even if it requires extra effort. They emphasize the importance of learning for its own sake rather than focusing solely on grades and encourage students to take advantage of opportunities like sports or community activities.

Three former Charlotte Mason students share what they value most about their homeschooling experience, including the broad range of subjects studied, efficient use of time, and opportunities to communicate with people of all ages.
  • Valued aspects include studying a broad range of subjects, efficient time management, and interacting with diverse age groups.
  • Homeschooling allowed for a more efficient use of time compared to traditional schooling.
  • Interaction with people of all ages fostered better communication skills.

Shownotes Transcript

A perennial question those interested in the Charlotte Mason Method want to find out is how children raised in the method fare as they move on from homeschooling. At the 2024 ADE at HOME {Virtual} Conference Jono Kiser talked with three former CM students about their adjustment and experience. We bring you the audio from this interview as part of our occasional Voices of the Conference series.

Ender's Game, Card)

Ourselves, Charlotte Mason)

Much Ado about Nothing, Shakespeare)

The Winter's Tale, Shakespeare)

The Hiding Place, ten Boom)

The Elements of Style, Strunk & White)

Beauty & Truth Math)

ADE at HOME 2025 {Virtual} Conference)

Living Book Press) -- Our Season Sponsor

ADE'S Teacher Helps)

ADE's Patreon Community)