cover of episode 5LQ Episode 290: Christians in the Age of Outrage with Ed Stetzer

5LQ Episode 290: Christians in the Age of Outrage with Ed Stetzer

logo of podcast 5 Leadership Questions Podcast on Church Leadership with Todd Adkins and Dan Iten

5 Leadership Questions Podcast on Church Leadership with Todd Adkins and Dan Iten

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Daniel Im are joined by Ed Stetzer, author of Christians in the Age of Outrage. During their conversation, they discuss the following questions:

	In the book you talk about eight personas of Christian leaders online, some of them being more sheep-like and others being more wolf-like. How would you advise us as Christian leaders to engage online?
	In the book you talk about how the Church compromises its faith and witness when it protects the powerful at the expense of the victim. Why do you think this happens and how does it affect our church and leadership?
	How should we stand up for our beliefs about human sexuality and lead our churches in light of the way that our culture sees this issue?
	Talk about how Christians need to grasp the hypocrisy of engaging online in a way that would be holy intolerable if we were face-to-face with others.
	"When we become primarily identified with any tribe outside the body of Christ, especially when we are identified to the point that others are repelled by us, we've traded our Kingdom-based identity for a world-based identity." Talk about that.

BEST QUOTES  “Put your social media under the Lordship of Jesus Christ."

"Realize that people are watching and listening. Make sure you communicate clearly about things you believe."

"A whole world is being discipled by their cable news channel."

"Pastors need to lead through social media in a way that glorifies God and helps shape a conversation that is better."

"The last few months, the Church of Jesus Christ has lost great credibility. It matters to me that we might take better actions when it comes to accusations."

"Most Americans see the issues (same sex marriage and more) as civil rights issues. They perceive our objection as akin to our objection of people of different races getting married."

"If we say it is not a discrimination issue, how do we respond to issues of discrimination?"

"Getting through the age of outrage is not about pretending we all believe the same thing."

"I'm burning bridges with the people I need to be building bridges with and that hurts my witness."

"The fruit of the Spirit does not end at the keyboard."

"If you don't like multiculturalism, you are really going to hate Heaven."

"Far too many people believe Jesus is coming back on Air Force One. That He is coming back on an elephant or a donkey and He is just not."

"Don't be comfortable with everything that anyone says." RECOMMENDED RESOURCES Lifeway Leadership Podcast Network

Christians in the Age of Outrage by Ed Stetzer

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