In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Eric Geiger discuss Eric's new book, How to Ruin Your Life and Starting Over When You Do. During their conversation, they discuss the following questions:
What lead you to write this book?
What are some of the patterns you see in David's life? And why is it so important to keep those in check?
What can leaders learn from David's implosion and redemption?
What message from the book do you hope resonates with leaders the most?
What are some ways a leader might use this book for their own personal growth and for their team?
This is a great book to go walk through as a team. Click here to download a team discussion guide. BEST QUOTES "There are private failures before a public fall."
"I used to not think it was a big deal when a leader would say, “I’m bored. I need a new challenge.” But boredom means we aren’t looking at the Lord, because He’s never boring, He always satisfies."
"Isolation. Boredom. Pride. Sins that should not be tamed in my heart; those sins must be slain in my heart."
"Anything that’s not Him is less than Him and is created by Him. And even those things that are good that are created by Him, they can’t satisfy me, because they aren’t Him. I wasn’t created for those things I was ultimately created for Him."
"If we lead a team of people, we want to be very mindful that all of us are very frail. We want to care for the people on our teams’ hearts."
"The best way is to not wait for these tragedies, but to pour into your team, and to care for their character, not just their competence."
"Recognize those patterns in your heart as quickly as you can, by God’s grace, and repent. And then repent again. And repent again. And repent again."
"If this can happen to David, it can happen to me." RECOMMENDED RESOURCES
Simple Church by Thom S. Rainer and Eric Geiger
How to Ruin Your Life Team Discussion Guide