cover of episode How To Improve Cohort Retention with David Lieb | Startup School

How To Improve Cohort Retention with David Lieb | Startup School

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Y Combinator Startup Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
David Lieb
从 Bump 到 Google Photos 的创业之路和 YC 组合伙伴的角色
David Lieb 在本视频中深入探讨了如何利用用户群留存率这一关键指标来衡量产品是否成功,并为初创公司提供了一套完整的分析方法和改进策略。他强调,用户群留存率的关键在于观察曲线是否趋于平缓,而不是关注绝对数值的高低。曲线趋于平缓表示产品能够留住一部分用户,从而实现持续增长。他详细解释了如何定义用户群、活跃用户和测量周期,并通过三角图和折线图等可视化工具来展示数据分析过程。他还指出了在测量用户群留存率过程中常见的误区,例如选择过长的测量周期、过于简单的活跃用户定义以及只关注某一时间点的数据等。最后,David Lieb 提供了多种改进用户群留存率的策略,包括改进产品、选择合适的目标用户群体、改进用户首次使用体验和用户引导流程,以及利用产品网络效应等。他以 Google Photos 为例,说明了如何通过分析用户群留存率曲线来判断产品发展方向是否正确,并最终取得成功。

Deep Dive

This chapter introduces cohort retention as a key metric for startup success, explaining its importance in determining product-market fit and predicting long-term growth. It uses the example of the speaker's experience pitching to VCs to highlight the significance of understanding this metric.

Shownotes Transcript

At YC our motto is make something people want. But how do you actually know if you’ve accomplished that in the early days? One of the best ways to measure successful growth is a concept called cohort retention, which tracks the fraction of new users that come back time and time again to use your product. In this episode of Startup School, YC Group Partner David Lieb explains how to define cohorts, track active users and determine the appropriate time frame for measuring successful retention rates.