Inspired by an unexpected wake-up call from the emergency broadcast system a little after 4AM, host, Tomeria Jordan, explores how the challenges we face today reflect our personal and spiritual journeys. Today she explores four essential truths to encourage believers in times of testing:
You are light
You Will Be Tested
You Are Blessed
You Are Justified by Faith Through Our Lord Jesus Christ
Through scripture you will be encouraged to appreciate your strength, embrace a new perspective, and remain steadfast in faith. Tune in for an uplifting episode that aims to restore your confidence and deepen your faith. Remember, no matter the test, you are not alone. God's grace and promises guide and sustain us daily no matter what we face.
Scripture References
Matthew 5 Blessed
Matthew 6 Treasures of God
Matthew 28 The Great Commission
Ephesians 5 Be the light in someone else's life
1 Peter 4 Think it not strange when you encounter these things
Romans 5 Purpose of Patience, Gift of Grace
2 Timothy 2:15 Study to show thyself approved
2 Timothy 3:16 The profitability of scripture
Luke 21:36 Watch and pray everyday
Revelation 12:11 Powerful testimony
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Books by Tomeria
Everyone has a story. Here are some inspiring titles by our host, Tomeria Jordan.
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