The show "Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV," has made quite a stir and rightly so because they have jumped into the deep end of the untold stories, uncomfortable truths, and disturbing revelations that have long been overlooked. From predatory behaviors to hidden innuendos, host Tomeria Jordan highlights the toxic culture drawing parallels between the disturbing narratives in these shows and the harsh realities of today. Tomeria navigates the complexities of belief, truth, and accountability in the face of disturbing revelations.
In this episode, you'll encounter thought-provoking discussion on biblical passages like Luke 17, Ezekial 8-9, and 1 Samuel 13, providing a sobering reminder of the responsibility we all bear in our actions and words, especially when they impact the lives of the vulnerable.
But it's not all darkness; Tomeria reminds believers to have hope, emphasizing the importance of forgiveness and personal accountability in our journey towards truth, justice, and the gift of salvation. Through deep introspection and unwavering faith, listeners are encouraged to confront wrongdoing, rebuke those who trespass against us, and extend forgiveness to those who genuinely repent.
Join us as we navigate the murky waters of our past, present, and future, confronting the uncomfortable truths that lie beneath the surface and challenging listeners to stay curious, stay vigilant, and never be afraid to speak truth to power.
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Books by Tomeria
Everyone has a story. Here are some inspiring titles by our host, Tomeria Jordan.
S.I.N.S - Salvation Is the New Sexy
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Opening Music
Surface by Loxbeats |
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