Brian began his fascinating and unique career as a Walt Disney Imagineer, where he helped “create the magic” for Disney’s Florida theme parks before going on to produce work for a who’s-who list of corporations and small entrepreneurial ventures. Along the way, he became a passionate educator, serving as an adjunct professor at several schools and as an Innovation Specialist for online education. Later in his career, he developed a deep understanding of new and emerging technologies, and, most importantly, how they apply to business, the military and in learning environments. He is now considered somewhat of an expert in this area, often exploring the most exotic “sci-fi” tech that’s out there…or on the way. A sought-after Innovation Consultant through his practice known as The Brainstorm Institute, Brian combines his design-thinking skills and technology know-how with a strategic business acumen, enabling him to offer creative, design, and planning experiences for his clients. As head of VR/Simulations and Strategic Initiatives with the premier game design and content creation studio Magic Bytes, his focus is to make sure the company stays at the forefront of innovation by making sure their team leverages the latest and most relevant XR/VR gaming and design technologies available. An accomplished speaker, Brian is often interviewed on podcasts and is available to deliver keynote addresses, lectures and workshops or other corporate or conference presentations. Brian lives in Orlando, FL, USA and enjoys serving his clients around the world!