Welcome to The Learning Edge-Gamification and L&D, where we dive into the world of learning facilitation and Actee games with our guest, Vera de Swart. In this episode, Vera) shared insights into her facilitation process and the journey that led her to discover Actee games.
The conversation touched on essential do's and don'ts in facilitation, feedback from clients, and the nuances of online versus physical facilitation. Vera also explored challenges and solutions in using Actee games, providing glimpses into creating impactful learning experiences.
As we look ahead, the episode teased insights into the future of facilitation and games, leaving room for further exploration in subsequent discussions. Join us on this captivating journey with Vera de Swart,) where each answer sparks new questions and sets the stage for continued exploration.
More on games here. www.actee.com)
More about Leif Sørensen linkedin.com/in/leifsorensen)