cover of episode #300 Life Experiences and Present Perfect Tense with Akari (Nihongo For You)

#300 Life Experiences and Present Perfect Tense with Akari (Nihongo For You)

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The Level Up English Podcast

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Michael: 本期节目邀请到了Nihongo4u播客的Akari老师,我们聊了聊语言教学、海外生活以及学习英语的经验。Akari老师是一位日语老师,她的播客和YouTube频道面向全球学生,教授日语。我们还讨论了使用现在完成时的对话练习,以及在不同国家生活和学习语言的经历。 在节目中,我们还探讨了语言学习对教学风格的影响,以及从学生身上学习到的知识。Akari老师分享了她从学生那里学到的关于日语语法的新知识,而我也分享了我从学生那里学到的关于英语单词之间联系的新见解。我们都认为,从学生的角度学习,可以帮助我们更好地理解语言和教学。 此外,我们还讨论了在马来西亚和泰国生活和学习英语的经历,以及不同口音对英语学习的影响。Akari老师分享了她学习英语的经验,以及她如何将这些经验应用到她的日语教学中。我们都认为,在高级阶段的语言学习中,更注重实践练习,例如口语和阅读,而不是语法学习。 Akari: 我是一名日语老师,通过播客、YouTube频道和在线课程教授日语。我的学生来自世界各地,主要集中在亚洲和欧洲。我在马来西亚生活了两年,学习英语的过程中遇到了很多挑战,尤其是在理解不同口音方面。我的英语学习经历对我的日语教学有积极的影响,我会耐心等待学生回忆词汇。 在节目中,我分享了我最近获得潜水执照的经历,以及我最近尝试的素食食谱,其中一次印度菜的烹饪尝试失败了。我还分享了我12岁时在美国新罕布什尔州独自生活一个月的经历,这段经历让我克服了语言沟通的困难,也让我变得更加坚强。 我最有成就感的经历是看到学生的进步,例如我帮助一名学生提升了日语商务水平,最终他在日本找到了工作。去南非旅行也给我留下了深刻的印象,那里多元的文化和语言环境让我对世界有了更广阔的视野。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Akari find moving to Malaysia challenging?

Akari found moving to Malaysia challenging because Japan and Malaysia have very few similarities. She had to adjust her lifestyle and speak English all the time, as nobody in Malaysia speaks Japanese. Additionally, she had to get used to different accents in English, which was difficult.

What impact did Akari's experience as an English learner have on her teaching style?

Akari's experience as an English learner positively influenced her teaching style. She understands the frustration of recalling vocabulary and the need for patience, which she applies in her Japanese lessons. She also takes English lessons weekly, which helps her empathize with her students' learning process.

What was the most rewarding experience Akari has had in her teaching career?

The most rewarding experience Akari has had in her teaching career is seeing her students' progress. She finds it very fulfilling to witness their improvement, which she considers one of the greatest aspects of teaching a language.

Which country had the biggest impact on Akari during her travels?

South Africa had the biggest impact on Akari during her travels. She was impressed by the diversity of languages and races, as well as the harmony among different groups. She found it completely different from Japan and learned a lot from the experience.

What new skill did Akari recently learn that she is proud of?

Akari recently learned to dive and obtained a diving license in Malaysia. She is proud of this achievement and enjoys exploring the many diving sites available in Malaysia.

What challenges did Akari face that made her stronger?

Akari faced a significant challenge when she stayed in the US for a month at the age of 12. She only knew basic grammar but had to communicate with her host family and express her needs. Initially, she felt depressed, but by the third week, she began to understand and communicate better, which boosted her confidence.

This introductory chapter sets the stage for the episode. Michael introduces Akari, a Japanese teacher and podcaster, and discusses their shared experiences of living abroad and learning languages. They also briefly mention the episode's focus on the present perfect tense and Akari's podcast.
  • Introduction of Akari from Nihongo4u podcast
  • Discussion of teaching languages and living abroad
  • Shared experiences of moving away from home countries
  • Focus on present perfect tense grammar in a natural conversational context

Shownotes Transcript

In Episode 300 of the podcast, Akari from the Nihongo For You podcast) joins me today for a chat about teaching languages, moving abroad, and learning English.In the second half of the episode, we talk about life experiences where I ask Akari questions using the present perfect tense about things she has done before. It's a great opportunity to practice the grammar and see it used in the context of a regular conversation.Perhaps you could also answer along at home and practice for yourself?If you're learning or thinking about learning Japanese, don't forget to check out Akari's website and podcast too.Show notes page -

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