Over the past few months, I've been meticulously tracking my language learning process for Japanese, Thai, and Chinese Mandarin on a Google Sheets doc.In this episode, I discuss the results of this data and we look together at the graphs that represent my study time. There are some really interesting patterns and trends that I can learn from, and I have several conclusions that shocked me.I had no idea what mistakes I was making before tracking my time!I am also sharing the template for you to use too! Click the link below to get this Google Sheet for yourself.Level Up English YouTube Channel:https://youtu.be/faLfCbxGDbA)Get the template for the tracker: https://courses.levelupenglish.school/f/languagetracker)**Show notes page** - https://levelupenglish.school/podcast248)**Sign Up for Free Lessons** - https://www.levelupenglish.school/#freelessons)**Join Level Up English** - https://courses.levelupenglish.school)By becoming a member, you can access all podcast transcripts, listen to the private podcast and join live lessons and courses on the website.
Sign Up for Free Lessons - https://www.levelupenglish.school/#freelessons)**Join Level Up English** - https://courses.levelupenglish.school)By becoming a member, you can access all podcast transcripts, listen to the private podcast and join live lessons and courses on the website.