cover of episode We're All in this Together!

We're All in this Together!

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Don Woods

Shownotes Transcript

.The song I have sent you this week is one of my many local songs about the wonderful area in which I live…which you know well…so you will be able to visualise what I am singing about…it is simply called “If” and points out what you are missing if you aint been there.

It’s a track from one of my DVDs so there are pictures to go with it….I think you will enjoy the lyrics.

2.The news this week is about major tax dodgers and our wonderful P.M. has been dragged into it…and totally denies any wrongdoing.

What makes me laugh is all this is treated as something NEW….wow!!...all these billionaires don’t give a monkeys about us…now there’s a surprise!!….the problems of the world could be solved by half a dozen of these greedy selfish you-know-whats…wheels within wheels…simple as that…they all look after each other and throw the odd crumb to us lot.

3.On the sporting scene it was good to hear that Nick Blackwell is recovering from his fight with Chris Eubank Junior.I saw the fight which should have been stopped a lot earlier…I feel the problem was they were holding out that Blackwell was “indestructible” which is never the case…I feel sorry for Eubank who was obviously upset…

And those big hard tough rugby players are in the news…one of them called another “Gypsy Boy”…OOOOH MATRON……screams of “RACIST”…so now the nanny state has expanded into rugby…they’ll be providing the front row of the scrum with handbags next…it’s pathetic.

4.On the showbiz front I thought we were going to have a break from Ant and Dec now their Saturday show has finished…no chance…they are straight back on Britains Got Talent (which definitely does not apply to them)….perhaps instead of “Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway”….they could have a new programme “Takeaway Ant & Dec”.

And The Rolling Stones have got an exhibition of their life on the road…the amazing thing is they have never changed…perhaps it’s because they always looked like they were in their seventies…you gotta love ‘em though….it’s only rock and roll but we love it.

5.Recently received a leaflet through my door extolling the virtues of remaining in the EU…..then I watch the news…and apparently EVERYONE has had one….to the cost of 7.5 million pounds.

Is it me or are they having a laugh…if it was April 1st I would understand… 7.5 million pounds on paper that most people will throw in the bin….come back Henry the 8th and throw the lot of them in the Tower!!!

On a bright note to finish… The Cheshire Cats are about to present a nice cheque to the Claire House Hospice on Wirral….who NEED the money to care for sick kids…money raised by our weekly jam sessions where local musicians give their time FREE….nice to work amongst decent folk….check out our website