cover of episode The Queen of the River

The Queen of the River

logo of podcast Don Woods

Don Woods

Shownotes Transcript

The song this week is one from the dim and distant past….it’s a tribute to The Royal Iris which graced the Mersey for many years….it was affectionately known as “the fish and chip boat” as there were many functions held on board where fish and chips were top of the bill…my band played on it on several occasions and on it’s last day of service I went down to Seacombe Ferry where it was moored and made a video…as I was the only one there I am the only one with footage of its last day…it is now rotting away down south somewhere….but it played a major part in the River’s history.

Just when I thought television couldn’t get any worse I was unfortunate enough to watch the X-Factor under the misapprehension that it would have a new format…WRONG!!! was the same old drivel with the same old sob stories (which have no bearing on the act) with a gaggle of judges headed by Simon Cowell playing God…..with the contrived looks of surprise when someone delivers a reasonable performance which they MUST have seen in rehearsals….all that is required is to see the acts…we don’t need the camera,cutting to grandma and the whole family backstage every time their little darling hits a high note.

There was a young guy on who was dedicating his song to a lost friend….with Cowell brushing away an imaginary tear…showing he does have a heart after all……..pass me the bucket…I need to throw up!!! It’s a big fat NO from me.

I’ve just thought of a way to make an extra £300 a day….become an MP…build a moat….claim expenses for having it cleaned which guarantees you a seat in the House of Lords…job done…then all I have to do is make an appearance get my 300 nicker and do a U-Turn and go back home….to my moat.

You couldn’t write this stuff….while they are building fences to keep out the immigrants they should build a 50 foot brick wall between us and the politicians….because we would get more sense talking to that. I think the government should have volunteered for this Mars project because they would fit in better up there than here.

I have a good friend who is Indian and he tells me about the traffic in his country and there are 370 odd people killed on the roads EVERY DAY….this is more than those killed by terrorism or even wars….and this is a world problem…I’ve said for years that the police need to get a grip on this….but then we get the “lack of money” chestnut….I cannot see why cameras can’t be erected everywhere….with just a random selection working at any one time….THAT would slow the idiots down…AND it would make a fortune in fines….

Which links to the bus lane situation in Manchester….they have made 7 million pounds in fines over the last 5 years….2 million this year alone….of course this has caused an uproar…the answer is simple … don’t go into the bus lanes…the Liverpool Council have ceased the practice…maybe they should rethink.

One of my pate hates from the past was The Monkees…I couldn’t stand those awful episodes where they were all trying to be funny…and failing…however I did like the songs because they had the help of REAL musicians….NOW they are over here (or two of them) to do a reunion tour….Peter Tork and Micky Dolenz have announced they are going to do some stadium gigs….they were on breakfast TV looking a bit worse for wear with Micky Dolenz still trying to be funny….not good….why do these so called pop stars have to try and be zany?...especially when they are dinosaurs….they are obviously short of a few bob….mind you the show should finish early so the audience can get back to the old folks home… me a favour lads…time to call it a day methinks.