On the subject of TV sports coverage ... I am still recovering from the excitement of the Oxford and Cambridge boat race....I don't think...I'm afraid I fail to see the point of this so called sporting event which is broadcast for a whole afternoon ....who cares?....it has to be the most boring event in sport....closely followed by horse racing....I'm sure lots of people watch it - but I don't know ANYONE that does...it's purely for those who wander into the bookies and lose their cash as they have nothing better to do....not to mention the occasional marathon where the camera follows some individual for 26 miles where the only excitement is when they grab a paper cup full of water,drink it and throw it away....IT'S BORING!!....let's stick to giving us sport that is worth watching...I would rather go to the park and watch a sunday league football match than be subjected to a race between a couple of universities......having said all this I have played a lot of sport over the years and have always been a participant rather than a spectator.