The song I have sent you this week is one that failed to make the classical music charts which it should have done. It came about after Radio City’s Norman Thomas told his listeners how he went out to buy a dibber…which is a garden tool used for manually boring holes in the ground to plant seeds in….so Norm buys what he thinks is a dibber only to get home and find he’s bought a handle off a shovel….he took a lot of stick over this so I came up with The Dibber Song and sent it to him….he played it every day for about a fortnight. On one occasion he was interviewing Cilla about her forthcoming panto and played this song to her and got her to join in on the chorus….but sadly never put it on any of her albums…….I wonder why.
We have a new golden girl….the wonderful Jessica Ennis is world champion again….she is a great role model for sport which,as we discussed recently,is about WINNING. Let’s hope a good proportion of our youth switch off their computers and iPhones and get out there…..then perhaps they’ll stop moaning about being bullied on line….and hats off to Usain Bolt who did it again …just as well because if the other guy had won we would never have heard the end of it….all good stuff….better not mention the final test match.
3.The BBC are “sacking” the Met office who have been supplying them with weather predictions for years….it’s about time too…the forecasts can be very iffy….I use the weather channel on the phone and it is very accurate…so why don’t the Beeb use this instead…….the local forecast has been atrocious and Diane Oxberry comes on next day and makes a joke of it….”oooh we got it wrong yesterday hee hee” which is all very well but a lot of people depend on the forecast and base their day on it… with a bit of luck we might start getting decent forecasts from the Beeb for a change.
4.There has been huge news coverage of the plane crash at the display in West Sussex….again a terrible tragedy…these things seem to be happening a bit too much lately.
The fact that passers by lose their lives makes it worse.
How unlucky can you be to be hit by a plane whilst travelling on the main road…..I think this needs to be thought about a lot more…..the Red Arrows give a display every year in a local place called Hoylake…but they do it over the sea for this reason…maybe this practice should be adopted by everyone….the “experts” have been saying that there has been no public fatalities since 1952…which they seem to think makes it all O.K…..ONE loss of life is one too many…nothing is worth that…..anyway it looks like things will change.
5.I’ve lost a lot of sleep lately since hearing the news that One Direction are splitting up….Oh My!!...there has been a lot of tears…mainly from their management and record company…oh yes and from the teeny boppers.
I’ve never felt this bad since The Dooleys split up !!!....Harry Stiles?...that’s the only name I know…and they have sold 50 million records….it’s a sad time for us all…I’m sure the immigrants who are running for their lives will be very upset about it.
They all sound the same to me…but then again I am 60 years outside the age range.
I don’t know why they call these guys BANDS…they are a vocal group…a BAND plays instruments…like McFly….who are good….and have a bit of talent.