The song I’ve sent you this week was another I wrote for David Alexander…which he recorded and put on his wedding album….it is called “Let’s Keep It Simple”.It was also recorded by Julie Bright and Sue Young back in the vinyl days… did well…in fact I might resurrect it.
The election is now taking over the evening TV with all the parties (with some exceptions) slugging it out on the podium….what a load of boring tripe!....I thought UKIP were doing well and thought I might even vote for them….then they announced they were going to allow smoking in pubs…big error…whoever came up with that idea has blown their chances…
The “scientists” are at it again…proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can actually get paid for nothing…….an American university (where else?) has studied peoples eating habits and have come up with the devastating conclusion that what you watch on TV determines how much junk food you eat….so if you are watching an exiting action film (if there is such a thing) you eat less than if you are watching a slow boring programme…so there you are…earth shattering stuff…..and this was NATIONAL news.
I am in the habit of watching the news at 8 in the morning….and I generally watch the headlines on the BBC before it goes off on a boring tangent…which is after about 3 minutes…I then skip over to ITV which is a bit lighter and saves me falling back to sleep….HOWEVER the ITV morning show has had a guest presenter this week…Piers Morgan….heavens above WHY?...he is the most arrogant,ignorant,self opinionated talentless excuse for a TV personality in the history of broadcasting….I felt sorry for the normal presenters.........I’ve never quite fathomed out why they need more than one presenter anyway….but to bring in a complete moron like Piers is beyond belief…
We are being bombarded with some terrible stuff on TV at the moment….there is a show with Philip Schofield who I quite like whereby members of the public get hypnotised and make idiots out of themselves….sending entertainment down to a new low….Then we have “Britains Got Talent”…..HELP!!!!!....nothing changes…it’s still all about the judges playing God and charismaless hopefuls being watched by their dying granny….the fact it is so popular says a lot about our population….IT’S RUBBISH !!....bring back Opp Knox or New Faces and leave the doting family members out of it….and don’t get me going on Ant and Dec !!!!! must be at least five minutes since they were last on the tele.