Michael Lavelle has won his case…..great news…..but what will he get for the two years trauma…probably nothing……and I suppose the accuser will get off scot free. As we have been saying the police reckon there isn’t a witch hunt going on….not much….anyway nice to see a bit of justice.
It has been announced that CASSETTES are making a comeback…Hmm…sounds to me like the record companies are trying to get rid of there obsolete stocks…tell me about it…I’ve got a garage full. There is no way they can come back … you can’t compare a cassette to a CD…however I was very surprised that mini disc didn’t take over the world…they are brilliant.
There are a lot of programmes on the tele about “Rogue Traders”…and “Rogue Builders”…with Ester Rantzen and a couple of cronies playing God and Dom Littlewood playing the tough guy with various traders...I would like to see him try it without a camera crew and no doubt a couple of security guys….having dealt with a multitude of traders in my old job I found 99% of them fine…and just out to make an honest living….what should be done is a programme on “Rogue CUSTOMERS”…because in my experience they are bigger rogues than the traders.
The high speed train service from Leeds to London is still in the news….which we have discussed in the past…BUT it’s cheaper than we were originally told…it now ONLY going to cost 42 BILLION…oh yes…plus the trains…that makes it 50 BILLION…..nobody wants this but they are STILL trying to convince us it will be good for the economy….but they don’t tell us how…..it will obviously happen as there is a fortune to be made….and on the subject of news I tend to watch the BBC news at 8 O’Clock in the morning….the other morning they were droning on about septicitis so I turned over to ITV were I was entertained with a few interviews with film stars and a bit of Hollywood gossip and a bit of music…then I tuned back to BBC about 15 minutes later and they were STILL droning on about septicitis….BORING BORING…lighten up Beeb.
…a friend of my wife’s went to a cash machine and it “ate” her card….so she went through the whole process of cancelling it and getting another one…a few days later she got on the bus and couldn’t find her bus pass…but had TWO credit cards…yep you guessed it…