Energy bills which are set to go up here…good old Ed Milliband announced if he gets in he will freeze them….so guess what .. up they go.I wish someone would give us a breakdown on where the money goes…everyone seem to blame everyone else….and they have announced that only about 10% of people shop around to find cheaper tariffs….but it’s so complicated I’m not surprised.
On a similar subject…I took out insurance last year to cover the underground pipes from the road to my house…as they are not covered under the house insurance…it was £39 which I thought was worthwhile…especially if they have to dig my path up….I’ve just had a renewal reminder…£73…..SO I rang them up and asked them why it had gone up…they came up with some nonsense so I told them I didn’t want to renew…..”OH…what if we knock off £7 ?”…”No Thanks”…”How about £15 ?”….”No thanks…keep going”….”The best we can do is £22 which will make the renewal £51 ?”…I agreed to this…what can I say…is it me or is the world going nuts?
We talked about the wonderful work on the old tapes they have found from Dr Who….wonderful modern technology……BUT is it really newsworthy when hundreds of Africans are losing their lives trying to get across to Europe in boats. Some guy on the news has made a life size statue of Eleanor Rigby out of…wait for it….the remains of a million pound in notes. He approached the Royal Mint and asked if they could give him any shredded paper money….and they happily gave him a million pounds to make his paper mache statue….you gotta admit it’s original..And finally…the lottery tickets have gone up to 2 quid…..there are a few more prizes but the chances of winning are the same…33 million to one…….now I played golf with a taxi driver mate of mine who was always going on about winning the lottery…to which I told him he had no chance which is why I don’t do it…and I have saved all those pounds by NOT doing it…..he only goes and wins 2 and a half million !!!It was interesting being that close to someone who had done it….it was bringing in 4000 a week in interest….don’t see much of him these days…can’t imagine why.