cover of episode Don's Doo  Wop Days

Don's Doo Wop Days

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Don Woods

Shownotes Transcript

The song I have sent you this week is called “DooWop Days” and reminds us of the vocal groups past and present who produce this great style of music.

It began in the States with street corner groups singing acapella and progressed into the rock and roll scene….it is similar to a rocky version of “barbershop”….it is a style I have always liked with those wonderful multi voice arrangements…..I’ve sent it because this week I got an Email from a guy called George Galfo who is the only original surviving member of The Mystics and thanked me for including his band in the song.

The Mystics had a massive hit in the 50’s with a song called “Hushabye” which is still one of my favourites to this day…so much so I include their riff at the end of the song….the group are still performing and he told me they are soon off to Italy to do a DooWop concert……..that’s the power of the internet and it made my day.

And I’d like to say hello to my mate Stevie Davies who plays bass and sings at our wednesday night jam sessions…great player and singer and great guy…and listens in.

2.Still on the music scene I’m not a massive fan of rap but I do like the visual of some of these guys….I saw P.Diddy on a chat show and he was undoubtedly the coolest dude I have ever seen.

Last week Ice Cube was on The Graham Norton Show and was asked what he thought of the boycott of the Oscars by black actors….he said he couldn’t care less as he performs to his fans and it is immaterial what some so called academy thinks…and added that some of these stars need to get over themselves… or what !!! THIS is sense !!

Before they all scream “racist” maybe…just maybe…there are better actors than them?

3.There is a major scam going on in this country whereby cars deliberately stop and let the one behind crash into them…thus creating claims for whiplash etc….even BUSES are in on it.

To me the answer is quite simple…false claims should receive a jail sentence…it’s fraud…simple as that….and anyone involved in the organisation of these scams should be jailed and receive a life ban from driving.

….including SOLICITORS who are a scab on society…..having said that if you drive safely you should leave enough room to slow down before going into the back of someone.

A guy went into the back of me a few years back…..he hit my towbar and wrote the front of his car off….mine had no damage at all… so I helped him get out of the traffic and called it a day….I didn’t claim whiplash because I didn’t have it and I am not a lying grabbing piece of low life….the chap called at my house a week later with a bunch of flowers and a bottle of wine.

4.Also the media make matters worse with their one sided reporting…they had a feature regarding a lady who was “sitting at the traffic lights” and decided to peel a banana…she was seen by an unmarked police car and fined “£140” for not being in control of the vehicle…they had the lady in the studio who said she was actually moving but still in first gear…and had she not pleaded guilty it could have cost her over a grand.

SHE WAS DRIVING WITH BOTH HANDS OFF THE WHEEL!!!..the moaners and wingers would be the first to complain if one of their family had been injured on their pushbike by someone peeling a banana

If this is national news it’s time to call it a day.

5.I did a bit of baby sitting for my son last weekend and he sorted us out with “Jurassic Park”… 3D!! was unbelievable….more so in that it hadn’t originally been made in 3D….it was all done with modern technology….put the glasses on and there you are standing next to Sir Richard Attenborough… does make you wonder how far technology is yet to advance….