It has been really windy here over the last week…worse than I can remember seeing it….we had gusts of 80 mph… garden was lifted metal tables into the air and totatlly destroyed a solid wooden bird table….the March winds shall blow…..................................The government are going to cut benefits to make it more profitable for the scroungers to actually go out and find a job…which has upset a young single parent mother of three…she has been on complaining that she can’t afford to have her benefit reduced because she can barely survive on her present…wait for it…500 quid a week !!....she says it will mean her children wont be able to go on school trips…which makes you wonder what she is doing when her kids are in school ??....
We have just received a letter telling us we have to now PAY to have our garden waste bins collected…35 quid a year….which is O.K. I suppose…but this will obviously mean that our collection of morons wont pay it and will simply dump stuff in the street…on their way to the bookies…..
There were plans to have a lazer beam twirling out of the centre of the Mersey to celebrate the Olympics…but unfortunately the 2 million pound project didn’t happen for whatever reason…well it’s now been scrapped altogether….it’s O.K. though…they have only wasted half a million on it….….I don’t know what planet some of these so called officials are on..and that will be the last we hear of it…no-one will be brought to task…but there you are.
Had first rehearsal for the James Burton concert in July…the band are great….Young fella on bass and his mate on drums…and my old mate Mick Davenport on keys and my old school pal Mike White on guitar (and MD’s the whole thing)….I’m doing eight Ricky Nelson numbers on the show….we virtually got it right in one take….so I’m ready to rock !!!!!!