.As you probably know a Chinese lantern landed in a plastics factory and set the whole thing on fire…this is a display of the sheer stupidity of this nation…these things have been a hazard for years now…last bonfire night I was watching a load of them drift past my house and some were lading in trees and starting to burn…fortunately it was winter and the trees were wet….what does it take to make these halfwitted health and safety plonkers see further than the end of their nose…THE THINGS ARE DANGEROUS AND SHOULD BE BANNED !!!....FULL STOP…it’ll be a garage forecourt next…oh sorry…they are far too busy banning conkers in the playground.
The M.P.s are thinking of giving themselves a 10 grand rise…it’s not decided yet…they have to vote…I wonder what the result will be?....I think it’s time EVERY M.P. was forced to give us all a breakdown as to where their salaries actually go…that would be interesting.
Some member of staff in Sainsburys has refused to serve a customer because they were on the mobile phone….and Sainsburys have apologised…WHY?...people who spend their time on mobiles are just plain ignorant…but that’s the way of the world…we are developing into a nation of morons….however there is a school down south teaching manners to the pupils and showing them how to behave at the annual school prom…it was refreshing to watch…bring back manners I say .....
Also there is a move afoot to include first aid into the school curriculum…about time too…this could not only save lives it would give the kids a bit of self confidence…
I spent a bit of time in Anglesey last week and went to the Holyhead Country Park…..the last time I went to Holyhead was with Monty Lister on one of his travel programmes when I worked with him on Radio Merseyside….we were on the train so I only saw the station and was not impressed at all…HOWEVER…the Country Park is wonderful…it is the site of an old quarry and is constructed around Holyhead Mountain with great coastal walks which take in the harbour…and while we were there we were surrounded by young schoolkids on a daytrip…and they were really polite and courteous…so maybe there is hope for the future generations.