cover of episode Arise Sir Tommy

Arise Sir Tommy

logo of podcast Don Woods

Don Woods

Shownotes Transcript

The song I have sent you this week came from an idea I had when getting off the train in Liverpool and saw this guy busking in the subway….it’s called “Subway Songman”.

Sugar is on the menu this week…every time you turn on the TV or the radio we are getting reports of record tooth decay in kid’s teeth…all because of sugary fizzy drinks. It’s a miracle how guys of our age survived….I remember having sugar butties when I was a kid…and drinking gallons of lemonade…and I’ve still got my teeth….they are saying that some kids have to have ALL there baby teeth out….and so the scare mongering continues…and the dentists get richer….any day now we’ll be back to the old humbug of lead in toys…it’s about time that cropped up again.

Some genius has worked out that supermarkets are misleading us with their pricing….wow there’s a surprise….isn’t it called “business” …and if they can legally get away with something they will…apparently they are saying that things are reduced when they are not….this has always been the case….the way the law used to be was you had to sell something at a certain price for 28 days before you could drop the price and call it a “reduction” or “Sale…you could then only sell it at the new price for 6 months before it was no longer a reduction or a sale…get it?...confused?...yeah so is everyone else…which makes one ask how these carpet firms have sales which go on forever?

The BBC have come under attack because they are going to put the licence fee up for those on a high salary or something…they are complaining that people are not watching TV…they watch their iPads etc….it has been suggested that they put adverts on which would subsidise the money they waste…..but this was instantly rejected.

What they need to do is put something on which is WATCHABLE instead of the tripe we are constantly subjected to….last Saturday I watched The John Bishop Show….oh dear … this was about as bad as it gets…I like JB but he should go into acting because he isn’t funny…and the up and coming “comedians” he has on are bysmal….annoyingly so……HOWEVER after thinking comedy was dead and buried I watched Frank Skinner’s “man in a suit” stand up and laughed for the whole hour…he is so funny and clever….he should run classes for all the modern rubbish comics and show them how it’s done.

I was delighted to see Tommy Steele on The One Show…..he is 78 and looks great…..he really should be knighted….back in the day he was the only original pop star we had in this country…all the others were Elvis clones….Tommy had his own style and has worked the big Christmas shows ever since….I’ve got a lot of time for him and wish I’d had the opportunity to meet him.

But alas like Doddy he has sadly been overlooked….much better to give knighthoods to those who really deserve it…like Jimmy Savile or Rolph Harris?