What is a truth so shocking that most people struggle with accepting it?) Larry Lama), Forensic Psychologist at Crab INVENT (2016-present) Excellent question.) People have a hard time accepting some things and I will be painfully honest.) Your secret crush could easily get over you when you stop replying messages, calls or stop saying hi.) There is always someone more beautiful or handsome than you.) It is true that, today one is down and tomorrow, they become the big man in the town or big woman .) Gossiping shows the victim how weak you guys are, why? the victim is still standing. Are you guys still talking?) The people that love us the most, crush on us the most: ignore us, gossip about us, never want to show they like us, avoid us, slander us. You just love me that is why you are behaving that way.) Sex is useful in a relationship. Just be careful not to make babies that you can’t handle.) Being rich is good. Being happy is better. Be rich and happy.) A marriage does not need money to survive. It needs time, dedication, respect, encouraging each other and working to make that grass greener. This is how to make money in a marriage.) Short, tall, fat, slim, we all will make fine husbands if you gave us a chance. They all will make super wives if you gave them the chance. Appearances are just a social pressure. Overcome them.) Africans are smart and they love white people. Try dating one today.) White people are interested to meet Africans, allow them to do so.) Politics is terrible even in third world countries. We can only help ourselves as citizens of the world.)