How does being in the U.S.Marines compare to being in the U.S. Army?
Jim Wayne, I servedin the US Army in Vietnam.
This is a hammer. It is a veryuseful tool for a variety of applications. It’s most common application is todrives nail or pull them. But it can be used for many other things. It breaksice. It flattens thin sheets of metal. It can be used to break stone or splitwood, with appropriate accessories. It is very hard to damage. Almost everyhousehold has a hammer.
This is a jeweler’s hammer. It isused to make and repair jewelry. Using it for other purposes may damage itsability to do its primary job. Jewelry manufacturers, jewelry repair shops, andjewelry hobbyists have jeweler’s hammers.
The Army is a hammer. It doeswide range of things, and most of those things it does very well.
The Marine Corps is a jeweler’shammer. It does a limited number of things superbly. Used for other purposesblunts its ability to do its primary job.
Our nation needs to use itshammer a lot, and for a wide variety of tasks. It is a great comfort toAmericans to know that our hammer is available when we need it.
Ournation needs to use its jeweler’s hammer less often, and only for a limitednumber of special tasks. But when we need it, we *really *needit, for things our hammer isn’t quite as specialized for. Then we are very gladwe have it.